Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sour Cream Nectarine Streusel Pie

(9 inch pie)

Ever since I first tasted sour cream in a fruit pie many years ago, I find it difficult to make one, without. This year is no exception. The market was filled with gorgeous looking nectarines (it's the season for them in Texas) so I brought a bunch home for this delicious treat.

This pie is best served the day it's made.

streusel topping
1/3 cup flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cold butter, (1/2 stick)
1/2 cup sliced almonds, lightly toasted

Place the flour, sugar and butter into the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times until the mixture is crumbly. Add the almonds and pulse once or twice. Set aside.

sour cream nectarine pie
1x 9 inch unbaked pie shell
2/3 cup sour cream (regular, not low fat or fat free)
1/3 cup brown sugar, or more to taste
3 tbsp flour
1 large egg
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
a pinch or 2 of salt
3 lb organic ripe nectarines

Line a 9 inch pie pan with the pie pastry. I don't bring the crust all the way to the edges of the pie plate because those tend to get very dark in the oven and I don't like to have to fuss with aluminum strips to prevent that from happening. Set aside

Whisk together the sour cream, brown sugar, flour, egg, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 400°F.

Wash, pit and and slice the nectarines. If you prefer to remove the skins first, then drop the whole nectarines into boiling water for about 15-30 seconds followed by a dunk in cold water. The skins should  slip off easily.

Stir the sliced nectarines into the sour cream mixture. Spoon the mixture evenly into the prepared pie pan. Sprinkle the reserved streusel mixture evenly over the nectarine mixture.

Bake at 400°F for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375°F and continue to bake another 35-45 minutes or until the top has browned nicely and the filling is bubbling hot.

Allow the pie to cool completely before slicing into it.


  1. How pretty is that pie! I have never had sourcream in a Pie, sounds like the tangy sweetness would be great :)

  2. Oh this is really beautiful and sounds SO delicious - the flavors sound wonderful!
    Mary x

  3. Wow! Your pie looks so delicious:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  4. Okay, so I want a piece of this pie with my coffee. Looks and sounds delish.
